Saturday, December 15, 2007


This weekend we had the second Blitz of the year. A Blitz is 24-hour theatre. That is, the theater guild throws a party at 9 pm on Friday and, depending on who shows up, they pick a play to perform. They come up with a set, basic costumes, and props and run through a handful of times so that the play will be performed at 9 pm on Saturday. It's a lot of fun, especially if you are looking for a good excuse to stay up until odd hours of night.

This go round we performed The Eight: Reindeer Monologues. The play is simply eight monologues, each told by one of Santa Claus's eight reindeer. Without going into too much detail, the story revolves around a sordid scandal in the North Pole.

Each of the reindeer are bold caricatures: Dasher was portrayed as a gung-ho general who was "number one from day one." Cupid was the flamboyant reindeer; I played Prancer, the self-centered actor; Blitzen was an ardent feminist; Cupid was the troubled buck who was taken in and reformed; Dancer was the only Jewish reindeer; Donner was the good-for-nothing father of Rudolph; and Vixen was the promiscuous doe that started the whole scandal.

It was jolly fun.