Saturday, August 4, 2007

Wenhao Found

In an attempt to get in touch with Wenhao, I sent him a letter through snail mail. Shortly afterward I was chatting with Radina, a Hiram first year from Bulgaria, on Facebook, and she told me to ask Mrs. Hale, who is in charge of all the international students, for his home email address.

So I emailed her last night, and this morning woke up to find an email from Wenhao waiting in my inbox! She must have forwarded my Hiram address to Wenhao. So now we are in touch, but we can only really correspond at certain times of the day. With a 12 hour time difference, he's just going to bed when I am waking up, and vice versa.

His English is pretty good and I was surprised to learn that he's a Lebron James fan. :) We'll have to go to a Cavs game sometime then...

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