Monday, October 22, 2007


We have been making great progress in African Drum Circle! We have learned each of our rhythms and a dance to go with the last one. At the end of the semester we will be performing in a concert to show off what we've learned. Now we are going through all the acts to make sure we know how it'll go along. I can't wait until class tonight, to see how it's looking so far.

Immediately after African Ensemble tonight I have to go to play practice for W;t. We are moving through pretty quickly, I think. By now I have all of my lines pretty much memorized and most of my actions as well. The equity actress hired to play the lead role arrived recently so we've only recently been able to rehearse with someone actually playing the lead role. On Thursday we had a rough run-through of the entire play, trying to recite without our scripts as much as possible. As the days count down towards the opening night, our rehearsals will get more intense. I hope that we will not have rehearsal during trick-or-treating night, but I'm suspecting that we will, which is unfortunate because I wanted to hand out candy and have a costume planned out already.

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