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Halloween, W;t, and Homework -- oh my!
These last two weeks have been insanely busy for me. My workload over the semester has always been very manageable but in some cosmic misfortune, my three courses aligned together and I was buried underneath a pile of assignments. I had to write a review of the concert I wrote about in the last blog for my colloquium and a play to read for my English class, both due Monday. Then I had two essays to write for Philosophy, a research paper to write for my colloquium and I had to find another play for English. All the while I'd had play practice at night from 6:30 to 10:00 or so, sometimes we got out earlier. But I managed to get all of that finished and I am now enjoying my familiar rhythm.
Unfortunately I missed trick-or-treating because of a play rehearsal. Every year the Hiram village children come trick-or-treating at the residence halls and students are encouraged to decorate their dorms, dress up, and give out candy. But I still got in the spirit and went to my classes in costume on Halloween -- I was Death on Vacation. That is, I dressed in a black T-shirt with a white and blue Hawaiian shirt over that, swim trunks, and sandals. The costume was completed with a Hawaiian lei, shades, and bone fingers painted on with White-out. It was really cold, especially at 8:00 in the morning, but it was worth it to see friends' reactions. The cold probably just added a bit of the shock factor.
The play, W;t, went very well. It was a very fun experience and I'm glad to have been a part of it. I would say the only true downside to being in a play is that you never actually get to watch it! Heather, who is a Hiram alumna, did a wonderful job as the lead role of Vivian Bearing. Here's a picture we took of the cast, after closing night. From left to right: Heather as Vivian; Jesse as Dr. Kelekian; Darren as Dr. Jason Posner; Sara as Nurse Susie; John, me, and Lindsay as the four lab technicians; and behind Claudia and Lindsay is Rachel, as Professor EM Ashford.
Oh, and as a side note, yesterday was the first official snowfall of the year here at Hiram! The cold weather has arrived!
Now playing:
Five for Fighting - The Devil in the Wishing Wellvia FoxyTunes
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