My roommate and I have only had one actual argument to date, and it was over our bunk beds. Wenhao absolutely hates bunked beds because all the beds at his school were bunked, and it was his dream to come to a school where he would not have to be constrained so. I really did not want to have to move everything around again, and my dad and I tried a million and a half different configurations, but none of them worked, leading us to bunk the beds. (Corner dorms are nice in their own way, but they also have their own set of hassles). Wenhao was adamant about this point, and even measured everything out by the floor tiles and planned how something would work. The layout he imagined was actually very awkward, and I told him it wouldn't work anyway because it entailed moving my desk, and my cable would not have been long enough. He said he had a long cord I could use. Our argument (for lack of a better term, it was very civil and neither one of us got upset) lasted until one in the morning and he showed no sign of relenting, so I gave in because I had class the next morning. We agreed to try out his idea on the weekend, and if it didn't work, we'd go back to bunks.
The weekend came and we began to move everything. Things went fast and according to plan until we discovered that the cord that Wenhao was letting me use was still not long enough to reach where my desk stood. Wenhao panicked because he did not want to go back to bunks so I thought a bout it for a minute and came up with a different layout that would not be as awkward and would actually work for both of us. And after moving some things around, everything fit together very nicely. The only awkward part is that Wenhao's desk is sort of isolated in a corner, but he still has plenty of room, so we're both happy.
The view of the rearranged room. Wenhao's area is the right wall and corners while mine is the left, and my bed lies along the window, which is neat because I love the outdoors.
Wenhao's side of the room. He put up a Lebron James poster.
My side of the room. I have space under the bed now to put stuff like my keyboard, so my closet is a LOT less cluttered now. The desk is in the same place as before, but the dresser has switched sides of the room. I also put up some posters. The Harry Potter poster came free with my copy of the last book at the Borders midnight release party. The other two, the poster of Van Gogh's Starry Night and a novelty poster I bought at Hiram's poster sale last Wednesday.
Close-up of the posters.
Now my book shelf is right next to my bed, which is cool. This picture makes it looks as though my bed completely blocks the bookshelf off but there's actually plenty of space and I can reach all the books easily.
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