Back in week one we had a beach party. At the left is my friend Sara, and I;m at the right. Our friend Anh got camera shy and jumped out of the frame at the last second.
KCPB held a casino night at the Kennedy Center, which was 'slots of fun. (Bad pun, I know...).
Playing Blackjack (I only won on two hands).
After the casino games were over, they had a Chinese auction, or raffle. This guy won a large jar of pickles, and multipacks of Pringles and Ramen (he was much envied).
Sammy, the guy who does pretty much all photo-related business for Hiram, picking one of the raffle tickets.
Wenhao is wicked awesome at table tennis. We went to the KC Cafe lounge to play one night, and that was a humbling experience...
While Wenhao stayed at the KC playing pingpong, I went to the Bowler lounge to play blindfolded hide and seek with some friends. One person wears a blindfold and has to try to find the others, who move around and throw pillows at the blinded person. It's lots of fun, especially at midnight. Here's a blackmail photo I took of one of the blindfoldee's, Travis.
And today was the blood drive! Today was my third donation so far. B Positive. Lots of fun.
Now playing: Dave Matthews Band - Ants Marching
via FoxyTunes
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